Initial setup for instructors

If you aren’t familiar with how jupytext works, it would be good to spend some time at

The notes below show how to bootstrap a repository with notebooks only committed as python files. That means that the first time through, we need to convert and execute the ipynb versions. Subsequently, jupyter will handle this through the modified described below.


  1. Install miniconda if you don’t have it – note that our environment will be 100% conda-forge, so you don’t want to use a large existing anaconda installation to create the e213 environment.

  2. clone the repo:

git clone
cd ComputationalGeoCourse
  1. cd to the course_utils folder and create and activate the e213 environment

cd course_utils
conda env create -f e213.yml
conda activate e213
  1. Make sure you have a jupyter config folder

jupyter notebook --generate-config

This should put a file in your ~/.jupyter folder

  1. Replace the config with the one in conda_utils

cp conda_utils/ ~/.jupyter/.

Building the notebooks

We need to track three different flavors of notebook:

  1. Student versions

  2. Notebooks with solutions

  3. Documentation notebooks for website

At the moment there are two sets, the student notebooks are in ComputationalGeoCourse/notebooks and the documentation notebooks are in ComputationalGeoCourse/docs/docs_notebooks

To build from scratch, we need to convert the py files to ipynb files.

To do this:

  1. cd ComputationalGeoCourse

  2. python scripts/ notebooks notebook_filelist.json --initial

This should create an ipynb file for every py file and a new json file calle notebook_filelist.json. We need to execute these, at this point we can suppress all errors:

python scripts/ exec-noerrors-nb notebook_filelist.json

Repeat this for the docs notebooks:

python scripts/ docs/doc_notebooks notebook_docs_filelist.json --initial
python scripts/ exec-noerrors-nb notebook_docs_filelist.json

Making the course website

The notebooks (ipynb) and any restructured text (rst) and markdown (md) files are assembled into a website using nbsphinx. To build and deploy with github-pages:

  1. cd ComputationalGeoCourse/docs

  2. ./

and push to github

  1. cd ComputationalGeoCourse/docs

  2. ./

Push the student notebooks to their download repo

We have a separate repo to maintain the notebooks and libraries that the students will download:

This repository is a mirror of everything that is in our students folder. My workflow for deploying to this folder:

  1. add a no-passphrase public key to the e213_students repository (mine is named new_pha_git)

  2. I put the following entry into my .ssh/config:

    Host phaustin
         User git
         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/new_pha_git
         IdentitiesOnly yes
  3. Add the following remote to the main e213 repository

git add remote students phaustin:phaustin/e213_students
  1. Now you can use ghp-import to push the students folder to that remote using


Note that I’ve removed the master branch from the repo and made “downloads” the default branch so we don’t get confused between this and our master branch version of the students folder.

Important point – you can commit new notebooks to the student folder as part of an e213 branch, but makes a separate commit of every file in the folder and completely overwrites the remote branch for every push. So treat everything on the remote branch as ephemeral.

Student installs

If you already have conda or anaconda installed, skip to ``Git install`` below

For MacOS new installs

  1. Download miniconda from – choose the Miniconda3 MacOSX 64-bit pkg file from the menu and run it, agreeing to the licences and accepting all defaults. You should install for “just me”

  2. To test your installation, open a fresh terminal window and at the prompt type which conda. You should see something resembling the following output, with your username instead of phil:

% which conda

For Windows new installs

  1. Download miniconda from – choose the Miniconda3 Windows 64-bit. download from the menu and run it, agreeing to the licences and accepting all defaults.

The installer should suggest installing in a path that looks like:

  1. Once the install completes hit the windows key and start typing anaconda. You should see a shortcut that looks like:

Anaconda Powershell Prompt

Note that Windows comes with two different terminals ``cmd`` (old) and ``powershell`` (new). Always select the powershell version of the anaconda terminal

  1. Select the short cut. If the install was successful you should see something like:

(base) (Miniconda3):Users/phil>

with your username substituted for phil.

Git install

Inside your powershell or MacOs terminal, install git using conda:

conda install git

Setting up the course repository

In the terminal, change directories to your home directory (called ~ for short) and make a new directory called repos to hold the course notebook repository. Change into repos and clone the course:

cd ~
mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone

Creating the course environment

In the terminal, execute the following commands:

cd e213_students/utils
conda env create -f e213.yml
conda activate e213

Opening the notebook folder

cd ~/repos/e213_students/e213_notebooks
jupyter notebook