2D Transient simulation – checkpoint your work

Learning Goals

  • Write numerical state out to an npz file for later use

  • Write function and class definitions out to a python module for later import


The 2D transient simulation is approach a level of complexity that makes keeping it all in a single notebook problematic. Here is a demonstration of how we can modify the original notebook to save our work for later use. We will export all of our functions and classes to a python module called build_2D_matrix.py, and export all of our numeric data (boundary conditions, initial concentration, etc.) to a numpy.npz file called savestate.npz

We will read these back into the 2D_assignment_restart.ipynb notebook

import matplotlib.cm as cmap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from scipy import special

Our functions

# this function deals with harmonic averaging when diffusion is not the same everywhere.
# It doesn't change anything when diffusion is homogeneous but you can try to see how it affects the behavior.

def avg(Di, Dj):
    Computes the harmonic average between two values Di and Dj
    Returns 0 if either of them is zero
    if (Di * Dj) == 0:
        return 0
        return 2 / (1 / Di + 1 / Dj)
def index_to_row_col(ind, nrows, ncol):
    in a 2D array, returns the row and column value
    associated with a 1D index
    Bottom left is index is zero (0-th row, 0-th column)
    while index one is the 0-th row and 1st column
    if ind > nrows * ncol - 1:
        return 0

    row = int(np.floor(ind / ncol))
    col = int(ind - row * ncol)
    return row, col
def build_2D_matrix(bc_dict, problem, D_matrix, Qsource):
    Constructs a coefficient matrix A and an array b corresponding to the system Ac = b
    This system corresponds either to a 1D or 2D problem

    bc_dict: dict
       dictionary with Boundary_Def objects defining the boundary conditions
    D_matrix: (float vector if 1D or matrix if 2D)
        values of the diffusion coefficient at each grid point(dm^2/day)
        if 2D, dimension is [problem.ny, problem.nx]
    width_x: (float)
        x-extent of the domain (dm)
    width_y: (float)
        y-extent of the domain (dm)
    poro (float)
        porosity value
    Qsource: (float array)
      volumetric source term (mg/L/day)


    the_matrix, rhs: tuple
       where the_matrix=A and rhs =b
       in the discretized diffusion problem
    number_of_rows = problem.ny
    number_of_cols = problem.nx
    n = problem.nx * problem.ny
    is1D = False
    if number_of_rows == 1 or number_of_cols == 1:
        is1D = True
        number_of_cols = n
    the_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))
    rhs = np.zeros(n)

    if is1D:
        dx = max(problem.wx, problem.wy) / (max(problem.ny, problem.nx) - 1)
        coef_x = problem.poro / dx / dx
        dx = problem.wx / (problem.ny - 1)
        dy = problem.wy / (problem.nx - 1)
        coef_x = problem.poro / dx / dx
        coef_y = problem.poro / dy / dy

    for ind in range(n):
        if is1D:
            j = ind
            i = -1
            i, j = index_to_row_col(ind, number_of_rows, number_of_cols)
        if j == 0:  # WEST BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["west"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["west"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind + 1] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["west"].val / dx

        elif j == number_of_cols - 1:  # EAST BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["east"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["east"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind - 1] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["east"].val / dx
        elif i == 0 and problem.ny > 1:  # SOUTH BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["south"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["south"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind + number_of_cols] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["south"].val / dy

        elif i == number_of_rows - 1 and problem.ny > 1:  # NORTH BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["north"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["west"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind - number_of_cols] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["north"].val / dy
            if is1D:
                north = 0
                south = 0
                rhs[ind] = Qsource[ind]
                east = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[ind + 1], D_matrix[ind])
                west = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[ind - 1], D_matrix[ind])
                north = coef_y * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i + 1, j])
                south = coef_y * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i - 1, j])
                east = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i, j + 1])
                west = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i, j - 1])
                the_matrix[ind, ind + number_of_cols] = -north
                the_matrix[ind, ind - number_of_cols] = -south
                rhs[ind] = Qsource[i, j]

            the_matrix[ind, ind] = east + west + north + south
            the_matrix[ind, ind + 1] = -east
            the_matrix[ind, ind - 1] = -west

    return the_matrix, rhs

The boundary/problem classes

class Boundary_Def:
    this class holds the boundary type btype ('flux' or 'const')
    and the value of the boundary condition (derivitive of the concentration if 'flux'
    value of the concentration if 'const')

    btype: str
    val: float

    def __init__(self, btype, val):
        self.btype = btype
        self.val = val
class Problem_Def:
    this class holds the specifcation for the domain,
    including the value of the porosity

    nx: int
    ny: int
    poro: float
    wx: float
    wy: float

    def __init__(self, nx, ny, poro, wx, wy):
        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny
        self.poro = poro
        self.wx = wx
        self.wy = wy

Create the boundary conditions

# Here we create 4 boundaries, west has a constant concentration at c0, east has a constant boundary at 0;
c0 = 1  # mg/L
west = Boundary_Def("const", val=c0)
east = Boundary_Def("const", val=0)

# For 1D problem, the used boundaries are west and east.

# The other south and north boundaries have a zero flux (impermeable)

north = Boundary_Def("flux", val=0)
south = Boundary_Def("flux", val=0)
bc_dict = {"west": west, "north": north, "east": east, "south": south}
# The latter array bc_dict will be sent to the different functions

Build the 2D matrix

n_x = 51
n_y = 1 # 1D -- x only
Diff = 2e-9 * 100 * 24 * 3600  # dm²/day
width_x = 10  # dm
width_y = 0
n = n_x * n_y
x = np.linspace(0, width_x, n_x)
c_init = np.zeros(n_x)
c_init[0] = c0
D_matrix = Diff * np.ones(n)
poro = 0.4
prob = Problem_Def(n_x, n_y, poro, width_x, width_y)
Qsource = np.zeros(n)
A, b = build_2D_matrix(bc_dict, prob, D_matrix, Qsource)

Make a checkpoint

Save everything you need to reconstruct A and B outside of this notebook

use https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.savez.html to dump the state to a file named “savestate.npz”

Save our work in an npz file

out_name= 'savestate.npz'
        width_y=width_y,Qsource=Qsource, c0=c0, c_init=c_init,Diff=Diff,
        save_date="March 3, 2019",
        case_name="1D simulation",
        comment="simple x-only domain",
        history="written by 2D_Assignment_Transient_Error_checkpoint.ipynb",
        units=["Diff: dm²/day","length: dm","concentration: mg/L"])
print(f"writing the savez file {out_name}")
writing the savez file savestate.npz

Write functions and classes to a module file

The cell below saves the function and class definitions into a new module call build_2D_matrix.py. It uses the special IPython “magic” function %%writefile build_2D_matrix.py

%%writefile build_2D_matrix.py
functions and classes for 2D matrix construction
def index_to_row_col(ind, nrows, ncol):
    in a 2D array, returns the row and column value
    associated with a 1D index
    Bottom left is index is zero (0-th row, 0-th column)
    while index one is the 0-th row and 1st column
    if ind > nrows * ncol - 1:
        return 0
    row = int(np.floor(ind / ncol))
    col = int(ind - row * ncol)
    return row, col

def avg(Di, Dj):
    Computes the harmonic average between two values Di and Dj
    Returns 0 if either of them is zero
    if (Di * Dj) == 0:
        return 0
        return 2 / (1 / Di + 1 / Dj)

class Boundary_Def:
    this class holds the boundary type btype ('flux' or 'const')
    and the value of the boundary condition (derivitive of the concentration if 'flux'
    value of the concentration if 'const')

    btype: str
    val: float

    def __init__(self, btype, val):
        self.btype = btype
        self.val = val

class Problem_Def:
    this class holds the specifcation for the domain,
    including the value of the porosity

    nx: int
    ny: int
    poro: float
    wx: float
    wy: float

    def __init__(self, nx, ny, poro, wx, wy):
        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny
        self.poro = poro
        self.wx = wx
        self.wy = wy

def build_2D_matrix(bc_dict, problem, D_matrix, Qsource):
    Constructs a coefficient matrix A and an array b corresponding to the system Ac = b
    This system corresponds either to a 1D or 2D problem

    bc_dict: dict
       dictionary with Boundary_Def objects defining the boundary conditions
    D_matrix: (float vector if 1D or matrix if 2D)
        values of the diffusion coefficient at each grid point(dm^2/day)
        if 2D, dimension is [problem.ny, problem.nx]
    width_x: (float)
        x-extent of the domain (dm)
    width_y: (float)
        y-extent of the domain (dm)
    poro (float)
        porosity value
    Qsource: (float array)
      volumetric source term (mg/L/day)


    the_matrix, rhs: tuple
       where the_matrix=A and rhs =b
       in the discretized diffusion problem
    import numpy as np
    number_of_rows = problem.ny
    number_of_cols = problem.nx
    n = problem.nx * problem.ny
    is1D = False
    if number_of_rows == 1 or number_of_cols == 1:
        is1D = True
        number_of_cols = n
    the_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))
    rhs = np.zeros(n)

    if is1D:
        dx = max(problem.wx, problem.wy) / (max(problem.ny, problem.nx) - 1)
        coef_x = problem.poro / dx / dx
        dx = problem.wx / (problem.ny - 1)
        dy = problem.wy / (problem.nx - 1)
        coef_x = problem.poro / dx / dx
        coef_y = problem.poro / dy / dy

    for ind in range(n):
        if is1D:
            j = ind
            i = -1
            i, j = index_to_row_col(ind, number_of_rows, number_of_cols)
        if j == 0:  # WEST BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["west"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["west"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind + 1] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["west"].val / dx

        elif j == number_of_cols - 1:  # EAST BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["east"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["east"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind - 1] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["east"].val / dx
        elif i == 0 and problem.ny > 1:  # SOUTH BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["south"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["south"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind + number_of_cols] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["south"].val / dy

        elif i == number_of_rows - 1 and problem.ny > 1:  # NORTH BOUNDARY
            if bc_dict["north"].btype == "const":
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["west"].val
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
            else:  # flux boundary condition
                the_matrix[ind, ind] = 1
                the_matrix[ind, ind - number_of_cols] = -1
                rhs[ind] = bc_dict["north"].val / dy
            if is1D:
                north = 0
                south = 0
                rhs[ind] = Qsource[ind]
                east = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[ind + 1], D_matrix[ind])
                west = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[ind - 1], D_matrix[ind])
                north = coef_y * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i + 1, j])
                south = coef_y * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i - 1, j])
                east = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i, j + 1])
                west = coef_x * avg(D_matrix[i, j], D_matrix[i, j - 1])
                the_matrix[ind, ind + number_of_cols] = -north
                the_matrix[ind, ind - number_of_cols] = -south
                rhs[ind] = Qsource[i, j]

            the_matrix[ind, ind] = east + west + north + south
            the_matrix[ind, ind + 1] = -east
            the_matrix[ind, ind - 1] = -west

    return the_matrix, rhs
Overwriting build_2D_matrix.py