Weekly notesΒΆ
Week 1: Jan. 6
Went over laptop installs
Started lab 1
Week 2: Jan. 13
Introduced git
Go over common command line commands
Look at pyman/chap2_jupyter.ipynb and Lab 2
Week 3: Jan. 20
Finish lab 2
Start Lab 3 - Linear algebra
Demonstration: moving functions into modules
Week 4: Jan. 27
Finish lab 3, start lab 4
Demonstration: editing with visual studio code
Week 5: Feb.3
lab 4
Demonstration: named tuple
Week 6: Feb.10
lab 5
Demonstration: 1) eigenvectors and linear odes 2) object oriented programming
installing new packages
make sure they come from the conda-forge channel:
conda install -c conda-forge pandas
to make conda-forge your default channel:
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge
Week 7: Feb. 24
Some links on object oriented programming:
Corey Schafer Python tutorials (scroll down for object oriented programming)
Side by side comparison of program design in Python and Julia